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First, go to the emergency room and get checked out. Second, report him to the police. Third, leave him and don't look back.

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Q: My boyfriend choked me and my neck hurts bad When he did it last night I felt something snap Is it possible to snap a muscle or tendon?
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What causes muscle pain in your neck?

The muscle that cause pain in your neck is the sternocleidomastoid

Is it possible to sprain a back muscle?

No. A sprain is an injury to a ligament. It is possible, however, to strain a back muscle.

What part of speech is muscle?

muscle is a noun.muscles is a plural noun.ex:Her muscles tensed when she saw her ex boyfriend.

Are there muscles in your stomach?

It is possible and quite common to pull or strain an abdominal muscle.

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how is possible to observe and compare muscle tissue by using a microscope

This muscle makes breathing possible?

The main muscle used is the diaphragm. Also, the intercostal muscle.

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how do prefixes in the terms adduction and abduction explain their possible muscle action

What is the state of balanced muscle tension that makes normal movement possible?

Muscle tone

What type of muscle tissue makes walking possible?

Skeletal muscle, voluntary control

Is it possible that too much exercise can result in muscle loss?

No. You can loose muscle by poor diet, but excercise increases muscle.

Is it possible to strain a muscle in your thumb?

Yes, it is.

Why don't we use all of our muscle fibers at once?

We don't use all our muscle fibers in a particular muscle all at once because they get damaged when we use them. If the muscle becomes weak, then it hinders the ability to continue with using the muscle making it difficult for our human survival. At times it is possible to use all the muscle fibers (and many have been documented) at once but only possible for very short instances as it requires lots of energy which is stored in the muscle. The muscle will often break down after the action where it may not be possible for the muscle to be used (at least not at normal strength) for several weeks even months. Its a subconscious effect and will not be possible for a person to do it consciously.