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no def.. not stick to the girly stuff =]

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Q: My boyfriend is a hood type of personif i dress in baggy clothing will he like it?
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Related questions

How do you dress like a stoner?

tie dye and baggy clothing, flip flops, grateful dead shirts or other jam bands

What is the national dress of Cyprus?

The national dress of Cyprus for women is the Sayia, which is a dress. For men it is baggy trousers, a shirt and jacket.

How do you dress like a thug?

Really, all you need is baggy clothes.

What was the traditional clothing source in Argentina?

el Gaucho/.......Gauchos dressed with baggy clothes, they dress with a hat(boina hat), belt, ponchos(a garment made of, or like, a blanket, with a hole for the head), Alpargatas(Canvas shoes) and Bombachas de campo(big/baggy pants or cotton trousers )

How did john Hancock dress?

John Hancock wore official, yet casual clothing. Ties, suits, and ocationally, he'd wear a t-shirt.

What are Jehovahs Witnesses clothing?

We dont wear baggy clothes nor do we wear tight things as well. Jehovah's Witnesses are only encouraged to be modest in their dress and grooming. (1Timothy 2:9; Titus 2:3-5)

How do you dress like a girl gangster?

flat top hats and baggy shirts big pants

How does your boyfriend want you to dress?

I think that you should just be yourself and dress how you feel like your boyfriend would like. My boyfriend doesnt really care lol but dress how you feel like!

What is traditional dress for Japanese?

they wore a helmet and a skirt and baggy pants

Is dress a verb or noun?

"Dress" can be both a verb and a noun. As a verb, it means to put on clothes. As a noun, it refers to a piece of clothing.

What is special item of hades clothing?

a dress clothing and band

Clothing starts with d?

Dirndl - Traditional Bavarian Dress Dress