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I don't think its sensitivity I think he is clingy. but he just might be sensitive but if he is calling you and you don't answer and he then leaves you a massage winning and complaining i think he just wants to know where you are and what you are doing 24/7

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Q: My boyfriend leaves me tons of voicemails pratically whining when I don't answer my phone I feel like I am wearing the pants in the relationship do you think he is really sensitive?
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Well to start with, don't just say "YOUR DUMPED" it is heartless and cruel. If, however your relationship just isn't working out, this is what you should do. 1. sit down with him and say "we need to talk" 2. say to him, "I'm really sorry, Our relationship just isn't working out - I really don't want this to effect our friendship, but I'm sorry, This relationship has to end." - if, like you said, he's really sensitive, be understanding. tell him you want to be friends. 3. if he cry's, give him a hug and then tell him "thanks for being a good boyfriend"

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That's a hard Q. Um you should give him time to think. You should talk about your guys relationship and if you can get ack together and what are some solutions to fix it.

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Well I would say set them up so they end the relationship or so they think they did anyway and then your in the clear.... Xigeneral

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In some parts of the body, there are more nerves in the skin, thus the sensitivity of these areas is enhanced.

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What does it mean when your boyfriend dreams he is looking for you and you don't appear?

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Can your boyfriend blowing in your ear turn you on?

Not actually blowing but breathing into your ear. It is actually a turn on yes.