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From wiki: Treating the underlying cause of the gynecomastia may lead to improvement in the condition. Patients should talk with their doctor about revising any medications, such as risperdal, that are found to be causing gynecomastia; often, an alternative medication can be found that avoids gynecomastia side-effects, while still treating the primary condition for which the original medication was found not to be suitable due to causing gynecomastia side-effects (e.g., in place of taking spironolactone the alternative eplerenone can be used.) Selective estrogen receptor modulator medications, such as tamoxifen and clomiphene, or androgens (typically bio-identical testosterone) or aromatase inhibitors such as Letrozole are medical treatment options, although they are not universally approved for the treatment of gynecomastia. Endocrinological attention may help during the first 2--3 years. After that window, however, the breast tissue tends to remain and harden, leaving surgery (either Liposuction, gland excision, skin sculpture, reduction mammoplasty, or a combination of these surgical techniques) the only treatment option. Many American insurance companies deny coverage for surgery for gynecomastia treatment on the grounds that it is a cosmetic procedure. Radiation therapy is sometimes used to prevent gynecomastia in patients with prostate cancer prior to estrogen therapy. Compression garments can camouflage chest deformity and stabilize bouncing tissue bringing emotional relief to some. There are also those who choose to live with the condition.

So it is curable but send letter to doctors and ask if they can help. If you need a plastic surgery maybe you can pay off little by little. I'm sorry but that is the only thing I can think of apart from working your butts off to save money.

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Q: My boyfriend started growing breasts-We did a research and found out he has more estrogen that testosterone- He can't afford a doctor or medicine- What should he do?
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