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Q: My brother works at the shipyard but he is looking for a new job. simple sentence compound sentence complex sentence?
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What is compound complex?

A compound complex sentence is when you combind a compound sentence and a complex sentence.

Her brother was the teacher and her sister was the psychiatrist is this sentence a simple compound complex or compound-complex?

There are simple sentences which would be "Her brother was the teacher" or "Her sister was the psychiatrist". There are complex sentences like "Her brother was the teacher after Professor Thorn retired" or 'Before Mrs. Tyler, her sister was the psychiatrist". There are compound-complex like "Her brother became the teacher, and her sister became the psychiatrist, once the jobs were available". The sentence that's in the question is not put together correctly which isn't good. It should say "Her brother was the teacher, and her sister was the psychiatrist". Other then that the sentence is compound.

What are the 4 classification of sentences according to structure?

Simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound complex sentence.

Is the sentence I ate my entire dinner even though I don't care for pizza. a simple sentence compound sentence complex sentence or a compound-complex sentence?


What are the difference between a Compound and Complex Sentence?

The difference between a compound sentence and a complex sentence is that a compound sentence has two independent clauses, connected by a Coordinator. A complex sentence on contains one independent clause. A complex sentence also always contains a subordinator.

What are examples of a Simple a Compound a Complex and a compound complex sentence?


How to compare if a sentence is compound complex or compound-complex?

A compound sentence has 2 or more coordinate independent clauses. A complex sentence is made from a dependent and independent clauses joined together.

What is a complex sentence for Muslim?

Simple, complex, compound, compound -complex are the kinds of sentences in English Language. A complex sentence has nothing to do with Islam or a Muslim.

What is a sentence that has at least 2 main clauses and at least one subordinate clause?

Compound-Complex sentence

Kind of sentence according to form?

simple, compound, complex, compound-complex

Is it compound or simple or complex or compound-complex sentence I am going home?

This sentence is a simple sentence because it contains only one independent clause.

What are different kinds of sentence according to structure?

Sentence according to structure are: simple, compound, complex and compound-complex.