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It is quite normal for a dog to experience signs of depression or changes in eating habits when in heat. At times the dog may become more clingy to their owners or more stand-offish. Some may refuse to eat while others may raid the trash looking for extra food.

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Q: My dog is in heat she isn't eating well and acts depressed is this normal?
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Should your dog who is in heat have a decrease in eating and be acting depressed is this normal?

I don't think this is that unusual, think about the drain on the body. If I'm not mistaken I think their temperature goes up slightly, cramps,all this is draining on the animal. It's even worse if they are being hassled by males on the scent. If you are uncomfortable with what is happening, and if it continues with no eating or drinking then you should get in touch with your Vet. ASAP. Most vets. don't mind talking with you on the phone about what is happening and if it is something that is easily explained, for instance: your first expericene with a dog in heat, then alot of times they can talk you through with some simple steps to help increase their comfort. Good Luck!

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