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I was just reading about the same thing and looking for solutions. Everything I read said that it could be caused by coughing or sneezing, or even vomiting, and that it will basically take care of itself and go away within a week or two.

I have been giving her fish oil, which could have caused my female saint bernard to have this problem, trying to get her not to cough so much.

For humans, it says to take vitamin c and grapeseed oil or extract, so I'm trying to figure out how to get my dog the vitamin c to help clear it up. Maybe crush it and mix it with peanut butter is a thought.

Unless it ends up covering the entire area - which could lead to blindness - I read that it is not a medical emergency and, again, it will work itself out within a week or two... so I will be keeping an eye on my dog's eye and administering vitamin c, which has over 500 uses and is said to help. If it gets worse, I'll be bringing her into the vet, but I don't run to the doctor unless it's something that I can't take care of myself.

Good luck to you!

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Q: My dog sclera looks like it has a popped blood vessel. Is it an emergency?
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