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If I were in your position the first thing I would do is a good self-analyzation to figure out why I'd want to be with someone who cheated on me and could very well cheat on me again. I would try to figure out what it is about me that would settle for someone (and actually be attracted to him) who hurt and betrayed me. I'd do a thorough search of my heart, mind and memories to see if there is any hidden insecurity or memories of rejection from someone important to me (like a parent) and look for patterns in dealing with those issues. And then I would work on settling those issues within myself before I even began to approach the possibility of dating someone, especially the guy who cheated on me.

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Q: My ex cheated on me but i still love him and want to ask him out again. What do i do?
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Love is not something you say "Aw ... Now I want to be in love with someone" Same thing about stopping being in love. If that woman feels something about you then there should be a reason that she cheated on you. Having a conversation is always one of the best way to understand the reasons a person has cheated on you. When I say 'conversation' I do NOT mean shouting at each other. Being calm a good idea in most cases and a good thing is to make the person who you talk with o calm down too so you can have a normal chat. If that woman is not in love with you then the explanation is simple ... she cheated because of that fact. In such a case you can't say "I don't want to be in love with her".

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"just keep on saying your sorry and promise you'll nevber do it again" -previous answer ahahaha no. I'm guessing if you cheated on that person TWICE, and you want to date that person AGAIN, there's a reason why you cheated in the first place. If you cheated because it was too boring, then there's one reason (for example). If you just want that person to trust you again, then just don't share secrets. Make sure that if you guys hang out, you are there ON TIME, not LATE, or else that person will never trust you again.

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If you want there to be a relationship again then yes, how else would she know if you didn't tell her? In that case, don't be afraid to be rejected, just tell her you still love her and want a relationship with her.

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Depending on why you broke up, if you still love him maybe try again :)

When you want to come together after you've both cheated?

If you want to come together after you've both cheated you are very brave. Whenyou have cheated with somebody else you should tell them who you done it with,why you did it and how you felt. Also you should express feeling to each-other and move on in life. If you still have feeling's for each-other dont go back together because it might happen again but you can still be friends. The best thing to do is just live of it and see what happenes.Good Luck

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You don't. He has obviously moved on. So should you.

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I would suggest you really stop and think...Why do you want to stay? If your boyfriend was truly for you, and you were in love, you would never have cheated or lied. Please stop wasting your time and his time. I don't mean to be harsh, but grow up girl, and be a woman. Leave him alone and move on. You will find your true love in time. By staying and begging for trust, you look desperate, and he will never respect you.

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You don't want him back.