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Your ex-wife was given the right to resume her name prior to her marriage. She can continue to use her former married name if she chooses.

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Q: My ex wife had her maiden name restored at the divorce but 3 months later she signed a home loan with my name her former married name is that legal?
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Usually, the judge (and the paperwork) will ask if the wife would like to keep her last name or have her maiden named restored.

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Do you need to change your name back to your maiden name after a divorce before getting married again?

Not in Virginia

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I would change into the maiden name or take the hypen with your maiden name and your married name.

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If your Divorce Documents state that you can return to your Maiden name then it shouldn't cost anything - Renewing your Driver's Licence with your new last name (Maiden) will.

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No. She can only use her most recent husband's name , or her maiden name if it was restored at the time of the divorce . Using previous husbands names would be fraudulent misrepresentation.

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If your marriage was not legal because your husband was still married (in which care your husband committed the crime of bigamy), then you can simply go back to using your maiden name (you can't get divorced as you were never legally married).

How do you use your maiden name after a divorce?

Your maiden name becomes your last name.

In Canada how do you change back to your maiden name after a divorce?

The only requirement to have your maiden name restored is to contact the necessary government agencies (Social Security, DMV, voter registration, etc.) fill out a simple form and present the divorce decree and personal identifying documents (driver's license/state ID).

What is Olivia Manning's maiden name?

Are you talking about Olivia Manning the English writer, or Olivia Manning the wife of the American quarterback Archie Manning? If the former, then Manning WAS her maiden name, she didn't change it when she got married. If the latter, then her maiden name was Williams.

How can I find my girlfriends maiden name?

Unless you are dating a married woman, her last name is usually her maiden name. There are some exceptions to this, such as women that kept their husband's last name after a divorce. The best thing to do is to ask her directly.

Is a divorce considered legally changing your name.. Or can I still legally be my married name if I haven't gone to social security to change it...?

No, if you divorce it does not automatically count as a legal name change in the USA. You can still use your married name the rest of your life, although this is uncommon. Most divorcees change back to their maiden name after divorce.