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I'm sorry to see that the best thing to do is go to the vet and then they will take care of the eggs

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Q: My female lovebird escaped and she left her mate and eggs what should I do and what should I do when the eggs hatch?
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How do you hatch lovebird egg?

put it under a lamp

When do lovebird babies hatch?

21-23 days. It varies.

Why does my egg in Pokemon platinum only hatch into a MALE budew and how can I get a FEMALE?

Its ok all you have to do is keep trying then it should hatch into a female this is what i do i get a full team [you have to have 1 Pokemon that can battle]then keep running till they hatch and 1 should be a female hope this helped

How many days does it take to hatch a lovebird egg?

20-30 days. if doesn't hatch by then the eggs are either dead or unfertilized(empty)

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They should hatch 10 days after the female lays them.

What to do when your lovebird is killing her babies?

You can buy an incubator, put egg(s) in the incubator, and follow the incubator instructions for incubating them. If any babies hatch, you'll need to completely handfeed them yourself if you want them to survive.

After a egg has hatch do you remove the male parakeet?

No, I think that the male should remain in with the female to help her with the feeding of the babies.

When does a love bird lay eggs?

At about age 1 to 2 lovebirds start to lay eggs. You need to buy a nesting box (lovebird appropriate) in condition for your lovebirds to lay eggs. you can get a nesting box from your local pet store. but make sure you fill it with soft stuff or the egg might brake. If your female lovebird lays an egg it will not be fertile unless she has a mate.

Which eggs hatch into male and which into female?


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The unfertilized eggs of the queen bee hatch into male bees, or drones. Worker bees, or females, and female queen bees hatch from fertilized eggs.

How many days will the lovebird lay eggs after mating?

Female Lovebirds will lay their eggsbetween 5 - 12 days after mating. Many will lay an egg every other day until they have all been laid. ...

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