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Q: My flower parts come in sets of 3?
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What flower parts come in 3 sets?


What flower parts come in parts of 3?


What flower parts come in sets of 3?

There are a number of plants which have 3 petals, members of the spiderwort family, wandering Jew, trillium, moraea and iris have 3 petals and 3 standards, daylilies have 3 petals and 3 petaloids(?) kw

Is a flower part of the shoot system?

Yes there are 3 parts that make up the shoot system : The Leaves, The Flower and The Stem

Does flatware always come in 5 piece sets?

Flatwear can come in many varieties, from as small as 3 piece sets, to much much larger.

What are the external and internal parts of a flower?

The external structures/parts of the flower are: 1. Dermal tissue 2. Cuticle 3. Ground tissue 4. Air spaces 5. Guard cell 6. Stomata

When are the 5 sets played in a tennis match instead of 3?

Men play a maximum of 5 sets and Women play a maximum of 3 sets. Obviously in mens they play 3 sets only if one player wins all of the first 3 sets as the opponent can't come back with 2 sets left. Women play 2 at minimum for the same reason.

How many petals on a poppy flower?

Buttercups are monocots, as such they will have floral parts in multiples of 3; meaning 3, 6 or 9. Buttercups usally have 6

What is the flower parts in multiples of 3?


What is the male part of a flower and female part?

The male parts of a flower also known as the stamen consists of 2 parts the anther and filament.The female parts also known as the pistil has 3 parts,the stigma,style and ovary.

The essential and accessory of a flower?

The accessory parts are; 1. Petals 2. Sepals 3. Receptacles the essential parts are; 1. Stamen 2. Pistil

5 parts of the plant?

1 Seed=2 flower==3 leaves==4 stem==5 roots=