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Q: My girl says im too clingy and bossy and she says she wantsa break she says she will text me i want you back if she really wants me back what does this really mean what is she going to do?
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How do you live with a clingy boyfriend?

I wish I could answer that. I'm having the same problem. but trust me you need to break up with him i'm engaged to a clingy guy and trust me you don't need someone clingy.

Why would your own mom break up with yourboyfriend for you and say you cheated if you really didnt?

Because she wants him. She'll do anything for you two to break up. Dont let go! Be clingy, he neeeds you now more than ever.

Why did Justin break up with Caitlin beadles?

nobody knows. I've heard numerous reasons (which may or may not be true) 1. he broke up with her because she was to bossy and controlling. 2. he broke up with her because of touring 3. it was mutual. 4. she broke up with him because he was to clingy and she found out she only liked him as a friend.

How do you know if a guy is clingy or becoming clingy?

You know if a guy is getting clingy by: ~Talks/Texts you all the time, everyday. ~Spends all of his free time with you. ~Gets jealous easily when you're talking to other guys or spending too much time with your friends. ~Starts getting really upset when he's not with you. ~Always thinks that you're going to break up with him. ~Trying to control your time. These are just some of the, lets say "symptoms," of a guy being clingy. There are many more, but I think that these should cover the basics.

What might a obsessed lover do that will cause him to break up with her?

Stalk Call Too Much Clingy Check Cell Phone

What is the best thing to get over your crush?

First after you break up or realize its not going to work be clingy for about a week. then completely ignore them

What do you do if your boyfriend is very attached?

If you enjoy that sort of thing than let it be. if not tell him hes being too clingy and if it continues youll break up with him

How can you make your boyfriend to break up with you?

Constantley text and/or call him and obsess over him. Find out what gets him ticked and then do it. If he doesn't like clingy people, act dependent on him and never leave his side. If he likes clingy people, do the opposite. If he had past girlfriends, try to find out why he dumped them. This will help you find out what you should do.

Is it easy to break an iPodtouch?

No. It's possible to break an iPodtouch but really difficult to break it. It is not really easy to break an iPodtouch.

What to say if your girlfriend says your to clingy?

If she says youre too clingy ask her what you are doing wrong that makes you that way (eg are you over protective?) and see if you can improve otherwise tell her thats who you are and you cant change and she must just accept that. If she won't, break up with her. There are loads of girls who want a guy like you who at least cares about them.

How do you break up with a boy you really love?

If you REALLY love him you wouldn't break up with him.

What does it mean if you feel clingy to your best friend that's a girl?

Its the hardest thing to do but it means you need a break. Not saying dont talk to her but get space. Wait it out and if your feelings dont change after a year go for it.