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Opinions on whether your GF is hearing God
  • Shes insane leave her. If you talk to god you religious if god talks to you your crazy. Dude get out of there seriously
  • She really doesn't want to be your friend anymore. She is trying to find a kind way to saying she doesn't want to be around you anymore. (Though, I think it would be kinder to tell you outright, but that's just my opinion.)
  • She really is hearing God. Who knows. Stranger thing have happened!


Her behavior isn't healthy. She may not be insane; that really does depend on what she means by 'hearing' God's voice. If she insists that she is hearing a voice outside of herself, or outside of her 'head', in the same way that you hear the voice of a friend that you are talking with face-to-face, that may be a problem.

But whether or not that is true, God does not communicate with people in this way. It flies in the face of virtually all religious teachings and traditions of western culture. More than likely you are better off leaving this one to her quiet time, and perhaps urging her to tell her doc about it if she is in fact hearing external voices. On the other hand, if you truly and deeply love her and don't want to leave, so be it; but you are probably in for a very long and very rough ride.

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Q: My girlfriend has quiet time with God every day and she claims she is hearing God's voice and He is telling her that we shouldn't be. Does God talk to us and tell us what to do in relationships?
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