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Hell no what u thinking there will always be problems

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Q: My girlfriend likes my dad should you let it happen?
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My opinion is that you should draw something he likes.CarFishingBoatETC.Do what he likes to do or would like to do or likes to watch.

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I'd probably stay clear of her.... especially if your dad is old

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ask your dad!!

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You don't. What you said displays an ugly personality & that's much worse than being physically unattractive. Why does it matter to you if your dad's girlfriend is ugly? As long as she makes him happy & they enjoy one another, how she looks is none of your business. She isn't your girlfriend. You should instead be happy that your dad is happy.

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If someone is about to lose their dad then you should pray for them so a miracle can happen !.

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Find what your dad likes first lancegong

How can you help your Dad find a Girlfriend?

Find the type of girl that you AND your dad can relate to, don't find someone that only cares for your dad's attention, but yours as well, the girl should have some experience with kids or teens so they at least know what they are doing, also if your dad finds someone he likes but you exactly don't like the person, then tell him. You should not have to live with the fact that your dad is in love with some one you don't like. I hope this helps, and good luck with your search:)

What does it mean dad likes to blank the baby on his knee?

Dad likes to blank the baby

What if your 15 and your dads girlfriend is 18 and your dad is 42 and his girlfriend wakes up and catches you having sex with her feet and she is quite calm does she like me my dad goes mad as he walk?

You should know better than to be having sex with someone without their consent (basically you sexually assaulted her). Your dad should know better than to have a girlfriend 24 years younger than him.

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you should love them because if they hates you should love him back

How do you say dad likes pasta in spanish?

You should say, "Papá le gusta espagueti" :-)