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bring her to the vet if you think its really bothering her she could just be cleaning her nose which makes it go red

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Q: My guinea pigs nose is red and itching her i cannot get rid of it what shall i do?
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What does the idiom itchy nose mean?

It is not an idiom, it means your nose is itching.

What does it mean when your nose is itching?

It means someone is thingking about you.

Why does your baby guinea pig poke my older guinea pig with his nose?

Guinea Pigs poke with their nose to show greetings,emotions,etc.It is like saying hello to that Guinea Pig.

What part of speech is the word itching?

It is the present participle form of a verb (I am itching to get moving). It can be used as a noun (The itching is driving me mad) or an adjective (her itching nose kept her awake).

What does it mean when your butt is itching and your nose?

you need better hygiene.

How do guinea pigs breath?

Through their nose

Can you get a guinea pig from a friend?

Yes you can get a guinea pig from a friend. Make sure the guinea pig is healthy first. To See if a guinea pig is healthy you look at its eyes and nose make sure there is no goop around the nose or eyes. ♥

What to do when the guinea pig gets a stain on their nose?

you clean it

Why is it when you think of someone the persons nose your thinking is itchy?

Superstition says an itching nose means you are going to kiss a fool.

What does it mean when a guinea pig scratches its nose?

Even though I don't have any experience with guinea pigs, if I use a dog as a reference, I'd bet it much for the same reasons as your guinea pig. Dogs have wet noses because that's part of their respiratory system, in that the wet nose provides your pet a way to cool themselves internally. Most dogs have cold, wet noses and that's normal. If a dog's nose is dry and warm, most likely it's running a bit of a fever. I don't know if a guinea's nose is also supposed to be cold, but I'd take a wet nose as a good sign until I found out more. You could call a vet and ask what a guinea's nose should feel like. Cold? Wet? Warm or dry? Most vet's have guineas as part of their regular patient list and they'd probably have a much better answer than I can give you. (Besides, I don't think they'll charge anything to answer that question for you. At least I don't think they should.) Here is an answer from another contributor: A wet nose is normal, just be sure she doesn't have dried mucus around her nose.

What does it mean if your nose itch?

If your nose is itching it may be dry try using lotion