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Are you sure? Some peafowl hide their eggs.

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2mo ago

It is not too late for peahens to start laying eggs, as they can begin laying around 2-3 years old. Factors like stress, diet, and environmental conditions can affect egg production. Ensure they have a balanced diet, proper nesting area, and a stress-free environment to encourage laying.

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Q: My peahens are over 3 years old but still haven't laid any eggs I have given them laying mash since Feb Is it too late for them to lay?
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Do spiders die after laying their eggs?

Not all spiders die after laying eggs. In some species, the female spider may die shortly after laying eggs, while in others, she may continue to live for some time. It greatly depends on the species of spider and the environment they live in.

Will dog food hurt laying hens?

Feeding dog food to laying hens can be harmful because it contains different nutritional requirements than poultry feed. Dog food can be too high in protein, fat, and minerals for hens, leading to health issues such as obesity, kidney damage, and poor egg production. It's best to stick to a balanced diet specifically formulated for laying hens.

Why is the african painted frog endangered?

all i know is that they havent been seen since 1950

Do chickens poo and lay eggs out the same hole?

Yes actually they do, I have owned chickens since i was 10 years old and everyday i gather eggs and have to wash them off,it also may depend on if the chickens roost in on or around their laying boxes if the laying box has a top than they probably wont poop on the eggs but most chickens will end up roosting ON TOP of the laying boxes and poop on the eggs while they sleep, just because you provide a roost away from the laying boxes doesn't mean they will sleep on itmy chickens have a roost away from the laying boxes but getting them to sleep there is impossible.If they have found an outdoor nest to lay eggs the answer is NO, the chicken will not poop in the nest or around it as long as their roost is not above the nest.Another answer: Chicken may well lay eggs in the same locations that they also 'poop' in but they don't lay eggs from the same bodily orifice from which they have a 'poop' which appears to be what the question is asking.

Can the process of egg laying for hens be speeded up?

The process of egg laying in hens is largely determined by genetics and age. While factors such as nutrition and environment can influence egg production, there are limits to how much the process can be sped up without causing harm to the hens. It is important to prioritize the health and welfare of the birds when considering ways to increase egg production.

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