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Maybe you just tested too soon. Try again when the spotting stops and see what happens with that. I say when the bleeding stops because that usually means that it has implanted itself into your uterus so the HCG hormones should be showing up right about then. If you still get a BFN then I would go to the doctor. Everyone knows that blood tests are better anyway plus the doc can do all the necessary tests that you really need to have done anyway. Good luck to you in everything that you want. I will be thinking of you. Keep me posted...PLEASE:)

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Q: My periods come regularly only this month i missed it and am spotting instead what can that mean hcg came out negative should i test again?
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If you have irregular periods last month you missed and you had intercourse a little over a month ago and now you have spotting what dose that mean?

There could be a possibility u could be pregnant specially if u have missed a period the spotting is usually normal in early pregnancy. I would say take a pregnancy test if its negative then since u have irregular periods its normal that spotting happens once in a while sometimes ur body is just tryin to get ur periods a bit stable. I hope this helps let me know good luk!

I was supposed to get my period but instead all I had was spotting dark brown and dark red blood its totally different from my usual periods I didn't even have cramps Did any preg women have this hapn?

You can still have spotting when you are pregnant. This is a normal symptom. I would talk to your doctor about any changes you are having.

Can exercise cause spotting between your periods even if you are on birth control?

Yes it can.

Is it normal after IUD removal to have normal periods for three months then spotting the fourth month?

Your menstrual pattern four months after IUD removal is not related to the IUD. Take a pregnancy test, since your period in the fourth month without birth control was only spotting. If you continue to have spotty periods even with a negative pregnancy test, you can call your health care provider for advice if it's concerning to you.

What could cause three periods in one month?

Is it full on 5 day periods, or spotting? Spotting indicates possible stress, strong emotion, or just some extra blood after the period. I'm no doctor, but I don't think it's normal to be having three periods a month.

What are the cause spotting only during menstrual cycle?

I had only light spotting periods for years and not very many. It may have been because I have PCOS-

You have irregular but you havent had it in months then get some spotting yet a pregnancy test was negative should you take another test if you still have not had your period but you show pregnancy si?

It may be your birth control if you are taking any they cause irregular periods.