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I've been handling rats and mice ever since i was alittle girl and I've seen this happen alot. here are some of the reasons and sulotions i can give that might save your little friend.

1:are you giving it fresh water everyday? you know water is important to small rodent considering they are always on the move and run out of fluids fast

2:are they eatting right and getting fresh food? mice love to eat and love to try out diffrent things but make sure your only feeding it food that was made for mice you can give if fruits and veggies every now and then and maybe a small treat once in awhile but if your feeding it something else other then mice food it might be something you fed it.

3:is the bedding clean or are there other dead mice in the tank? i learned that if another mouse dies in the cage/tank and you don't change the bedding or anything it can affect other mice in the tank and also make sure you clean the tank it's nastey to smell and also unhealthy for it to be walking in it's week old pee and poop

4:is it lonely? i know this sounds crazy but mice are pack animals they love the company of others and even though you may play with your furry friend it still needs the love and affection of another mouse or it'll feel lonely and my die of a "heartbreak" i know it sounds far fetch but it's true.

5:are you spraying body spray/hair spray/cleaning spray in the area that your cage/tank is in? this could be deadly and maybe killing your mouse slowly and making it sick if that is the case there isn't much you can do.

6:has your mouse chewed on anything it's not suppose to? sure wild rats can chew on anything and not get sick but pet mice are not like that they are more sensitive so just watch what your mouse is eatting or chewing on.

I hope i helped you i hope your little pet makes it good luck.

~Miyabi Yukira

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Q: My pet feeder mouse is shaking when he walks and doesn't seem to want to play What is wrong what can I do?
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