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Q: My son age 50 has HIV appendix ruptured with abcesses devoped peritonitis after appendectomy?
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What can happen if you don't get an appendectomy?

If you need an appendectomy but keep postponing having your appendix removed, your appendix could rupture, and if you don't find a surgeon and a doctor in a hurry, a ruptured appendix, which causes peritonitis, could be fatal.

What is the serious complication of a ruptured appendix?

peritonitis and death

What can happen if ruptured appendix is not removed?

Peritonitis or a generalized infection in the abdomen will occur. Treatment of peritonitis as a result of a ruptured appendix includes removal of what remains of the appendix, insertion of drains.

Why is a ruptured appendix life threatening?

Because the toxins from the burst appendix can get into the bloodstream and cause blood poisoning. If you get the appendix removed after it ruptured, you may need to get an abcess, to remove the toxins

Did Harry Houdini die in one of his acts?

No he died of peritonitis secondary to a ruptured appendix

What happen harry hondini end of life?

Harry Houdini died of peritonitis, secondary to a ruptured appendix.

Had bust appendix no surgery was treated with anti biotics for peritonitis?

That sounds unusual. The doctor must have considered you extremely unfit for surgery. I suppose that a repair of a ruptured appendix could be accomplished through the inside of the colon (through basically a colonoscopy); however it would be unusual. Peritonitis is serious, though. It is basically the worst that can happen with a ruptured appendix, and it can be fatal.

By what criterion is appendectomy considered essential surgery?

If left untreated, appendicitis may result in a ruptured appendix, which is a life-threatening condition

Can a ruptured appendix recur?

Possible but not probable. Ruptured appendix is almost fatal if untreated as intestinal contents seep out in to abdominal cavity causing serious infection called peritonitis and a surgery is needed to drain it and at the time of surgery appendix is removed. It is possible that there is a small "microperforation" that seals off by itself and later on the same appendix can get reinfected and rupture.

How Harry Houddini died?

Harry houdini dies from a ruptured apendix during a perfomance after getting a punch to his stomach due to claims that he could withstand a punch from any living human...don't know who is harry hoidini

What famous people died of appendicitis?

Harry Houdini died of appencitis at the age of 52. The rumor is that he died after being punched, but in fact it was a subsequent ruptured appendix that got him 6 days later, despite undergoing an appendectomy. Harry Houdini died of appencitis at the age of 52. The rumor is that he died after being punched, but in fact it was a subsequent ruptured appendix that got him 6 days later, despite undergoing an appendectomy.

Can a ruptured spleen cause your appendix to become bad?

A ruptured spleen will not affect your appendix.