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Possibly. Teenagers have no respect for authority these days. Consult a doctor and see what they say.

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Q: My teenager and I have been arguing and I am pregnant can all this yelling cause cramping?
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Let's just say a lot... yelling, screaming, arguing, violent fighting, verbally fighting, and much more....

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Did Taylor launtner get miley pregnant?

No! Of course not! Taylor Lautner never even DATED Miley. Miley never even gotten pregnant. So, no. Sorry for yelling at you. :)

What does a debate sound like?

It sounds like a lot of sweaty guys yelling at each other and arguing with abusive language. It sounds like this: HEY! I DON'T AGREE! STOP LYING! THEY ARE MUCH BETTER THEN THE OPPOSITION!!"

Is it OK to ask my boyfriend not to yell if that's how he's used to arguing or is that trying to change him?

It's not trying to change him if he is yelling at you or abusing you. You need to go to a cousaler and he needs to go to anger management he needs to go and work it out.Answer 2:What you need to do is ask him to try to express his angers and frustrations and try to argue without yelling. Yelling back doesn't help at all, it just makes it worse. And by asking him to calm down a little is not trying to change him.

What were they saying in Taylor swift mine video when they were yelling?

They WERE yelling at each other, but the words were random so it seemed as if they were really arguing. But they were obviously not angry with each other, it was just for show.