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...and it could be for a number of reasons. Before tackling this, you need to be specific about what it does, exactly. It could be anything.. bad batteries, bad starter, fuel gelled up, etc.

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Q: My tractor trailer doesn't want to start?
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What is a bobtail tractor?

One with no trailer. When you go to a truck stop, a lot of them have "bobtail parking" areas. They don't want you to park the tractor itself in a place a tractor with a trailer can fit, so they'll take the real short areas and designate them "bobtail parking" zones.

What is a good following distance if you are behind a tractor trailer?

You always want to ensure that you are far enough back that you can see the mirrors of that tractor - this also ensures that the driver can see you.

I want to get some tractor trailer driver training. Would it be done at the same kind of school where people get their CDL?

In order to operate a tractor trailer it will be important to get your CDL. They do give you the necessary training in order to drive CDL and to change your permit to a license so I would say yes.

What is the best diesel engine for a tractor trailer?

Depends what you want, power, economy or low $$$$ For power, go with a CAT For economy Detroit S60 Dor low $$$ Cummins.

What is the best way to load freight on a tractor trailer?

It depends on what the freight is and what the trailer is. If it's vehicles, you typically drive them on and off. If you have a van trailer with sliding tandems, you would ideally want the weight distributed fairly evenly between your drive and trailer axles. If you had a trailer with spread axles, you would want more weight towards the trailer axles, since you're allowed 40,000 lbs. on a set of 10 ft. spread axles, as opposed to 34,000 lbs. on your drive axles.

Indiana you want the price of tractor trailer tire?

They're about $300 each, if you provide a retreadable carcass. Add $40 if you decided to go below 4/32" tread.

i want to start my own food service trailer?

I am writing to u to ask if im eligible for a grant to start my own business

What does it mean to dream of a tractor trailer with its door open?

This suggests that your personal matters are not secure. The tractor trailer symbolizes yourself on your journey through life, together with the sense that you are carrying a heavy "load" or "baggage." Having the door open - assuming it is the door of the trailer - leaves open opportunity for theft or loss. On the other hand, if it is the door to the cab that is open, perhaps you are waiting for a partner or even for a driver, suggesting that you want or need someone else to control your life.

Is kenworth and good brand for transportation?

A Kenworth w900 is actually a semi tractor trailer, and although it is a good tractor, I do not believe that this is something you would want to use for simple US travel. If you are a trucker and are interested, you can view some that are for sale here:

What are some tips on looking for tractor trailers for sale?

Where you should go to look for a tractor trailer depends on the type you want to have. First you need to determine if you'd like a new one that you don't have to put any work in to. Or if you'd like an older one that you can fix up and repair to your own liking.

How much does a freightliner tractor trailer weigh?

Number of variables here. It'll depend on the weight of the power unit (Freightliner makes several models), what type of trailer is being pulled, and whether you want loaded or empty weight. Empty, you can expect the weight to be anywhere from 27,000 lbs. and up, again dependent on the tare weight of the power unit and the type of trailer being pulled.

What if i buy a tractor and i don't want it?

Then you own a tractor you don't want. You can sell it or give it away. The buyer is not required to take it back unless there was a major undisclosed problem with the tractor.