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If its cheap than get a new one. Honestly I couldn't give you a strait answer while sitting behind a computer screen.

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Q: My turkey tail won't fan out for me to mount it. What can I do to fix it?
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What bird is it whose tail spreads out like a fan?

Many birds can fan their tails, so it depends on what you mean by "large". It also depends what you mean by "tail" - most birds that appear to fan their tails, do not - they need functional tail feathers for controlled flight so generally cannot afford to have extravagant tail feathers. Unless you include domesticated turkey stags/toms, which fan their tails during courtship, the commonest and best known is the male peafowl - the peacock. Nearly as large are male Argus pheasants, which have far larger tails than peafowl. Only the turkey uses his real tail feathers.

What are three attributes of a turkey?

Turkeys gobble. Turkeys have a snood on top of their head that they can change the size of depending on mood. The turkey has a large fan shaped tail to impress the female turkeys.

What are three atributes of a turkey?

There are three atributes of the turkey:Turkeys gobble.Turkeys have a snood on top of their head that they can change the size of depending on mood.The turkey has a large fan shaped tail to impress the female turkeys.

What is a bird that has a tail like a fan?

the bird that has a tail like a fan is called a 'Peacock'

Rubicon fan wont come on?

replace the fan motor

Whats turkeys physical features like?

A turkey is a large land bird that does not fly. It is considered to be the largest game bird in north America. The size of the turkey varies depending on the age, sex, and living conditions. The bird is covered in feathers. The feathers fan at the tail.

Why do turkeys fan their feathers?

Yes, female turkeys fan their feathers to get rid of dust, mites and parasites.

Why wont the fan come on in a 2002 Chevy Venture?

Which fan? there are 4.

What is a fan - mount?

it's a fan that can be installed both as a flushmount or with a downrod.

What is the fan like bit of hair at the top of a pony's tail called?

ice tail

Does a Hen Turkey fan out its feathers?

Hen Turkeys fan out their feathers to appear bigger. This behavior is seen in every other species of turkey as well.

What is the difference between a male and female turkey?

Only male turkeys gobble and female turkeys are smaller