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I hate to tell you this, I know it hurts but just let her go man. I was in a similar situation myself years ago. But once a woman has made up her mind in matters like these, it is pointless to try and change it. Believe me I tried and I just got more hurt. Since then I have found a better woman that treats me so much better. Point is that when you just let this person go, and come to terms with it, you will be much happier. I suggest you take a year or so to concentrate on yourself and determine where you want to go from here in your life. When you have accomplished this (believe me YOU WILL BE MUCH HAPPIER!!!) You will be able to concentrate on a relationship that is worth the amount of time and effort you will actually be able to afford to put into it, since you have taken the time to sort out your own baggage. You wouldn't want a woman with a lot of social and economic baggage, would you? OK So then why would you expect a woman would want you with baggage? The best way to keep your woman after your self-time is just be a romantic man, open doors, when you two are walking on the side of the street, walk on her side that is closest to traffic, she will notice, trust me. Get some flowers for no reason at all(but only do this after you have been dating a bit, otherwise she will feel that you are being "clingy") I look back now and I am actually glad about what happened, the woman that left me was cool and cute, but man was she dumb, now i have someone that is cool, cute, smart and everything I want. I was only able to do this after I had taken some time for myself and got my baggage put away. As far as the cheating thing, how can you ever trust her again? Everytime you aren't together, all you will be thinking about is what she is doing with another man, and it will tear you apart. LET HER GO its for the best.

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16y ago

Talk with your wife, tell her how you feel toward her and you want her to stay. If she feels she must leave, get her to stay and you go. But tell her that you two will spend sometime apart to see how it goes. Don't be pushy, more than 1/2 the time after a few days apart, the heart starts missing something, hopefully she'll want you back and you two can patch things up and be a family and love those kids. Get Jesus in your life, that will help in all things. A family that prays together ,stays together.

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Q: My wife cheats on me with her ex she tells me shes not sure if it will happen again Ive hurt her emotionally alot before our two girls involved she says she wants out and i want her to stay i love her?
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