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Q: NADPH and ATP are synthesized through the hydronium ions What do these substances fixed during the dark reaction?
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NADPH and ATP are synthesized through the hydronium ionswhat do these substances fixed during the dark reaction?

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What do these substances fix during the dark reaction if NADPH and ATP are synthesized through the hydronium ions?

the ligth energy form into yhe glocouse ,during the dark reaction it will be a carbon dioxide

Reaction for respiration an anabolic reaction or catabolic reaction?

Reaction for respiration is a catabolic process. It is where organic compounds are broken into simpler substances through the transfer of electrons.

When steam passes through hot iron what substances are produced after chemical reaction?

Fe3O4 and Hydrogen gas

What is the difference between a chemical reaction and a physical one?

Physically mixing ingredients together will not change the properties of any of the ingredients. Chemical reactions make a new substance, and energy will be absorbed or given off by the reaction.?æ

What kind of energy conversions take place in a match?

The thermal energy released when you strike a match comes from chemical energy of the substances that make up the match head. These substances go through a chemical reaction to give different new substances (products) with less energy (considered at the initial temperature), and thermal energy that flows to the surroundings (heat) at a lower temperature.

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Among the alkali metals, the tendency to react with other substances increases form top to bottom within the group.Accompanying link shows the reaction from lithium through to cesium

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Through which organelle do substances enter or leave a cell?

Substances pass through the plasma membrane, although ot is not technically an organelle.

What is the difference between semi-permeable and impermeable?

semi permeable lets some substances through and impermeable lets no substances through

What term describes a cell membrane's ability to let substances through?

Permeable desrcibes allowing substances through. Permeability would describe the ability to let substances through. Cell membranes can be selectively permeable or semi - permeable.

What are Chemical substances that are absorbed by the body through the process of digestion?

These substances are called nutrients.