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Q: N the European system of feudalism the lord gave land to a vassal. What did the vassal give to the lord?
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What type of political system (government) existed under feudalism?

It was a "this for that" system. Rulers gave their people protection, and the people gave the rulers crops.... that sort of thing.

What was the relationship between the lord and?

The lord gave land to the vassal, the vassal promised his loyalty and service.

Difference between vassal in medieval ages and fief?

A vassal was a person, and a fief was land. A vassal swore allegiance and support to a king, and the king gave the vassal fief to live on.

1 What is feudalism?

political system in which powerful leaders gave land to nobles in exchange for pledges of loyalty and servicefeudalism is something

In the feudal system who could give land and who could receive it?


Why was feudalism put into place?

Gave security to the peasants and gave power and wealth to the land owner

The social class ranking system of the middle ages?


Difference between feudalism and manorialism?

Feudalism was the political, economic, and military system of the middle ages. It involved the bequeathing of land and protection from kings down to nobles, down to knights, and down to the peasants. In return, the peasants offered food and military service, the knights were expected to provide military service to the nobles, and the nobles were expected to provide military service to the king. They were all expected to pay taxes. In the early middle ages, there was terrible instability in Europe due to the fall of Rome, as various barbarian tribes were warring over the remnant territory. As a result, trade, communication, and security came to a halt. All over, nobles built up local armies to win territory, which empowered them against the kings, who were increasingly growing powerless against the nobles. The kings struck a deal with the nobles to give them land in exchange for loyalty (military service), money (taxes), and food (from the peasants). Manorialism refers to the economic system on a fief, either part of the fief or the whole as a manor - a self-sufficient, isolated village of approximately 1000 acres and 200 people. The manor had a manor house, church, village of peasant shacks, several fields (they were rotated so allow the soil to rejuvenate), a bakehouse, a mill, and a blacksmith shop. Everything they needed they made on the manor. In simple terms, feudalism is where lords gave land to vassals in exchange for protection and manorialism is where lords gave land to serfs in exchange for food.

What gave people power in feudalism?

The ownership of land. It was called fief.

Was feudalism a military relationship?

yes i was because in Europe during the mid-ages people used feudalism as a way to live. feudalism was when one person gave land and protection for service anything. in the military the lord gave land and protection to anyone who was willing to fight in any wars.

What agreement served the basis of feudalism?

Feudalism was a political system based on an agreement between two groups of nobles-- lords and vassals.

What advantages did feudalism offer the nobles?

Feudalism give the nobles land from the lords in exchange for military protection from the knights who were usually sons of the nobles. Feudalism gave some stability to the nobles in a what was a violent era.