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The Noble gave the land and the peasant who received it was a vassal.

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Oldest son of the king or lord.

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Q: In the feudal system who could give land and who could receive it?
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Which system has monarchs or lords that give land to nobles?

This is a feudal society that you ask about.

Why did people have to give a quarter of everything?

That would be under the feudal system. The taxes to the king were 25%.

Who did the feudal system give the most power to?

The feudal system gave the most power to the monarch or king. They were at the top of the feudal hierarchy and had control over vast amounts of land, resources, and people. The king granted land and privileges to the nobles in exchange for their loyalty and military service.

In the feudal system in both and Europe and japan what did lesser nobles give to lords in exchange for grants of land?


What did the vassal give to the lord?

In the feudal system the vassal gives loyalty, labor, and sometimes taxes or a portion of his harvest to his lord.

What was the ruling system the Normans introduced in 1066?


What are the antonyms of give?

The opposites of give (depending on its use) could be- take- receive or accept- keep (not give)

What is opposite of give?

The opposite could be to take (active) or to receive (passive).

Who benefited from the Feudal system?

Serfs. Being at the bottom of the social hierarchy meant that serfs did the bulk of the work and produced most of the goods, but the only benefit that they gained from the feudal system was the protection of their lords, which would oftentimes amount to no protection at all.

Was the feudal systems new?

Feudem is a Latin word meaning to give land in return for services. As king, William owned all the land in England. But he could not manage it on his own, and he wanted to reward those supporters who had helped him beat Harold in the Battle of Hastings. So he shared the land with his loyal followers. William lent large estates of land to powerful barons. They gave smaller areas of this land, called manors, to knights. Knights were fighting men with little knowledge of farming. So they shared their manors among peasants, or villeins, who worked on it. Lending land in this way was called the feudal system. In the system, each person made promises in return for their land. The feudal system was totally new, however before 1066 their was an organising like the feudal system. But unlike the feudal system the people did not have to make promises for their land, they had to pay money for their land. As in both systems there was ranking of the people and the king was at the top and then to follow was the church. In the system before 1066 the rankings were in the following order The king and the Church , the earls, the thegns, the ceorls, the cottars and the serfs. After 1066 in the feudal system the ranking were in the following order The king and the Church, the barons, the knights, the villeins

What is the opposite of received?

The opposite of receive can be send (a reverse transfer), or the opposite could be deliver (the other action).The opposite of receive (be a recipient) is to give (be a donor).The opposite of receive is give.

Does an ion give or receive?

An ion can give and receive electrons