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1.the north pole has no land under it and is only frozen ocean while the south pole has land under it even a mountain range called the transantarctic.

2. the north pole is where polar bears live and the antarctic is were the penguins live.

3. the south pole is the only continent that doesn't belong to anyone although in the post various explorers have claimed Antarctica as the antarctic treaty was made all claimed parts are set aside as long as the treaty lasts. while the north pole is claimed and owned.

4.the north pole is being mined and one of the largest oil resources in the world Antarctica (the south pole) is protected from any mining by the antarctic treaty.

5.the north pole is warmer place even though it is very cold getting to -27 C it is still not as cold as the -34 C or the coldest recorded -128 C.

As u see they are quite different!!


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Q: Name 5 different ways the north pole and south pole are different?
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