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Secondary succession is defined as the series of community changes which take place on a previously colonized, but disturbed or damaged habitat. Examples include areas which have been cleared of existing vegetation (such as after tree-felling in a woodland), destructive events such as fires, and natural disasters which leave an intact sold structure (e.g. hurricane, tornado etc.).

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10y ago

5 events that could cause secondary succession are: A forest fire, harvesting, hurricane, tsunami, and a tornado.

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Q: Name five events that could initiate secondary succession?
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When does secondary succession could occur after?

Secondary succession can happy after primary succession . Secondary can be independent but is not usually independent from primary succession.

What happens when something interrupts the process of succession?

Once the succession is destroyed it becomes a secondary succession

How long does it secondary succession to reach climax community?

It could take hundreds or even thousands of years to develop

Which type of event would cause succession farming volcanic eruption mining or tornado or hurricane?

Any of these can cause succession. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and farming would result in secondary succession. Mining would result in primary succession. A volcanic eruption could result in either depending on whether or not the soil was destroyed or covered by lava flows.

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it depends on if the primary succession succeeds and is basically depending on whether anything that happens that could make it be in a state that it would for example burn down that would make it happen

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if you empty out the fallen in sediments that have built in you could stop pond least temporarily

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This answer is listed under the question: How could succession take place in the tundra biome?

Where Primary succession could not happen?

up my

What could be the significant of ecological succession to you and generation?


Natural disasters and human actions are reasons for what to begin?

i have this question for homework too i wish i could help you friend, don't worry, i'll list the answer on here once i find it for sure!edit:good news friend!the answer is: secondary succession

Is a cartoon story a primary source or a secondary source?

A cartoon story can be considered a secondary source if it is based on information or events that occurred prior to its creation. If the cartoon story directly depicts or records an event as it happens, then it could be considered a primary source.

Which parts of the ecosystem had to be establishes before the primary succession could occur?

The parts of the ecosystem that had to be established before the primary succession shown in the transparency could occur is the lichens, rocks and soil...also that the mosses, ferns, shrubs, and grasses are parts of the primary succession.