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Q: How could succession take place in the tundra?
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How could succession take place in a tundra biome?

If we look back at the basics, all that it takes for succesion to occur is a pioneer species. In the tundra, the most common pioneer species is arguably mosses and lichens. Other plants will grow off of the pioneer species.

Does crop farming take place in the tundra?

No way,the tundra is frozen!

Which ecological succession or secondary succession describes the event that take place on a hillside that has experienced a destructive mudslide?

secondary succession

What arΓ© causes for succession occurs?

A volcano could make a land devoid of life, retreating glaciers, a very thorough fire, and being Paved over. When the primary succession would take place and bring back the plants, I am not sure, Those are just situations that could set up a possible site for Primary succession to take place.

Within the food chain of the tundra what determines how fast or slow decompostion take place?

there are no decomposers in a tundra

What year did the War of the Spanish Succession take place?

From 1701 to 1714.

Where does Succession take place?

during when the animal comes out of the vaginal region.

What begins in a place without any soil and can take hundreds of years?

primary succession

Why does ecological succession take place?

Ecological succession takes place slowly because the organisms have to grow from very little or no nutrients. The only time it will happen more quickly is when there are more organisms.

Which is a likley location for primary succession?

Primary succession might take place on a volcano or on newly formed islands

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What stages of succession will occur after a tornado strikes a region?

Generally secondary succession will take place. Since even though much of the vegetation may be destroyed the soil and some buried seeds mostly remain in place.