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car... work... ...airplane...public transit

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Q: Name a place where woman would hate for her husband to be when she went into labor?
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What were clerks and nurses during war?

They were woman who sowed, cooked, and cared for the soldiers during the war. Sometimes, if their husband or another man passed away, they would take place for them. One woman who took place of her husband was Molly Pitcher.

Name a place where a woman would hate to go into labor?

Car Work Elevator Shopping Center Airplane Public Transit

What is a woman who has lost her husband by death?

This woman would be called a widow.

What do you called a woman who has lost her husband by death?

A woman losing her husband by death is a widow.A husband losing his wife by death is a widower.

What is called a woman who lost her husband by death?

This woman would be called a widow.

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Maybe they gave her the pleasure her husband didn't .

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What was the role of the woman in puritan society?

They were supposed to be viewed as virtuous woman. Their main gaols in life was to be the perfect house wife and please God. Sometimes woman were seen as tools of the devil because of how woman are beautiful and tempting. They lived very strict lives and spended most of their time working.They were also the husbands "property" they belong to the husband. The husband can sell his wife's labor and keep the wages. If the wife ran away, she would be accused of stealing herself and her clothing since everything belonged to the husband.

My sister married a woman so what relationship would she be to my husband?

Since your sister married a woman then her mate would be your husbands sister-in-law. However, if the woman your sister met dresses and acts like a man and your sister's mate requests it then she would be your husband's brother-in-law.

Where would be a cheap place to go for Labor Day weekend?

A cheap place to go for labor day depends on the country you are situated.

What relation is your mothers sister husband?

Your mother's sister's husband's sister is your aunt's sister-in-law, but is not related to you. Here's why: Your mother's sister is your aunt. The sister of a woman's husband would be her sister-in-law. In this case the woman is your aunt. So your mother's sister's husband's sister would be your aunt's sister-in-law.

How do you encourage your husband to become more feminine?

Answer You are a woman therefore you have feminine ways, why would you want your husband to be feminine, is beyond me. He is a man and unless it's for sexual treats then I can't understand what your need would be. A man is a man and a woman is a woman, why do you want to change that.