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Stay off phone

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Stay off your cell phone

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Q: Name a technique that helps to maintain a high level of courteousness when driving?
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What driving technique helps you increase your fuel economy?

Idle less, accelerate and drive slower

Overdrive Ford Explorer?

Driving in overdrive should be done when the driver does not plan on driving fast and jamming the accelerator. Overdrive is like a last gear that helps the vehicle maintain torque at low RPM.

What oganelle helps maintain the cells shape?

Cholooplast helps to maintain the cells structure.

Do you use overdrive in the snow?

It is not recommended to use overdrive in snowy or slippery conditions as it can cause the vehicle's wheels to slip and lose traction. In such conditions, it is best to drive in a lower gear to maintain control and stability.

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What helps to maintain your health?

vitamins and minerals

Name a device that helps to maintain a potential difference across a conductor?

volt meter is the device that helps to maintain a potential difference across a conductor

How does the trachea maintain homeostasis?

The trachea helps maintain homeostasis by filtering the air so that the lungs don't get infected. So basically the trachea helps the lungs.

what technique should i use for my anxiety?

Consider using mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or grounding exercises to help manage anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can also be effective in identifying and changing negative thought patterns contributing to anxiety. Additionally, engaging in regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce symptoms of anxiety.

Which technique helps designers achieve continuance in a design?

Sorting colors

How will less driving help the environment?

driving less helps the enviroment because it does.

What does the ear help maintain?

It helps with balance and coordination.