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Her father gives his daughter his LAST NAME and when she marrys the daughter takes the new last name of the husband,so,her father takes back his LAST NAME

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Q: Name a thing which a father gives to her daughter before marriage and takes it back after marriage?
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If a young man is interested in you, he will go to the father, and ask for his consent to court his daughter. If the father consents, the young man and young lady may spend time together with a chaperone. Then, the young man may ask for the lady's hand in marriage. If the father gives permission, the couple may marry.

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If the young woman you want to get engaged to is of age (18 or older) then no, you do not need the permission of the parents. However, it is kudos for the young man to talk to the father about marrying his daughter (an old custom) as fathers are losing a daughter and the thought you would ask his permission for his daughter's hand in marriage would please him and make it less painful when he gives his daughter's hand away to you at the wedding ceremony.

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Get in contact with her parents. If you are wanting to ask this girl to marry you, but she does not believe her parents will agree with it, then that is the best thing to do. When you talk to them ask her father if he gives his permission for you to marry his daughter. If hes old fashioned then he will love this. But be sure to have reasons on hand of why he should approve of it and what you can to for his daughter.

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Was ullin's daughter right?

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usually its the womans father that gives permission for the daughter to get married. Not the mans mother. But it shouldn't matter what anyone thinks anyway. If you love each other and want to get married, you shouldn't have to have permission specially if you are of age. A marriage is easier tho when you can get along with the in-laws. So maybe get to know her.. and see where it goes from there.

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