

Name of a place near to equator?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Name of a place near to equator?
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Are locations near the equator warm in summer and cold in winter?

Assuming the weather is the same in a place near the equator and far from the equator, the temperature at the place closer to the equator will generally be warmer.

Is water near the equator cold or hot?

It is hot because where the equator is, is a very how place.

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It is possible for a place to be close to the equator and still be very cold?

There are snow-capped mountains near the equator.

What is the name of a plain in Africa that is near the equator?

The savannah

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near the equator places like Ecuador

Which region would have a warmer climate - a place located near the equator or a place near the North Pole?

A place located near the equator would have a warmer climate compared to a place near the North Pole. The equator receives more direct sunlight year-round, resulting in higher temperatures, while the North Pole receives less sunlight and is typically covered in ice.

Name three countries at or near the equator?

indonesia, Brizal, Africia

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Somewhere near the equator.

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Is Panama near the equator?

Yes Panama is near the equator.

Information on countries near the equator?

Countries near the equator include Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Indonesia, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These countries generally have hot and humid climates due to their proximity to the equator, and they may experience consistent daylight throughout the year. The equatorial regions of these countries are known for their diverse ecosystems and rich biodiversity.