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Dishes, shoe, vase, ring, lamp, book, remote

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Q: Name something a angry wife might throw at her husband?
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Do monkeys throw poop?

They will if they get angry!

What might make a person throw up?

eat something your stomach don't agree with.

Can Pokemon get angry?

Pokemon can sometimes get angry like not listen to their owner or just throw a move at the owner of the pokemon. Sometimes they can get angry, sometimes not get angry.

What does as angry as a raging bull means?

It means you have a real temper when you get angry. Or, when you get angry, you get angry enough to hurt someone, break things, throw things, etc.

What does as angry as a raging bull mean?

It means you have a real temper when you get angry. Or, when you get angry, you get angry enough to hurt someone, break things, throw things, etc.

What does it mean when you physically throw a book at another person?

Probably you are angry with them.

Something a frustrated golfer might do?

Throw a club, Kick something, Whack their club off the ground, Throw a club up a tree, Throw a club against their bag, Throw a club into pond, Bend a club over their knee, Say a swear word, Say a combination of swear words, or give up the game.

Can you sue your stepdad for throwing you?

Yes if it was in an angry forceful manner. But he might have a case depending on your actions the led to the throw. If you have a lawyer and really want to pursue a case, speak yo your lawyer.

What does it mean when you throw up neon green foam?

your dog might have a condition or your dog ate something bad to dogs

Name something a woman might do to a photo of her ex?

burn it tear/cut it throw it away draw faces on it store it

What lion do when get angry?

they throw temtper and just start messing thing up

If you have a banana do you feed it to a angry monkey?

well they eat it most commonly it might not be their favorite food.