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Cross Street, Cook, Stay home alone, Bath

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Q: Name something most parents dont let a child do by himself until he's at least 10?
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Can a child have O positive blood if both parents are A positive?

Yes, if both parents are AO genotype there is a 25% chance of the parents producing a type O child. Since both parents are Rh positive the probability of an Rh positive child in at least 75%.

Can parents that are both a negative have an ab positive child?

No. If both parents are A negative the child can only be A negative or O negative. If the child is AB positive at least one parent must have type B or AB blood and at least one must be RH positive.

Can parents both blood type O have a child with A negative blood?

No, At least one parent would have to be an A (or an AB) for a child to have group A blood.

What happens to a child whose parents are sent to prison?

If a child's parents are both sent to prison, normally the child would be adopted by some other relative, and if there are no suitable relatives available, the child would become a ward of the state, and would be raised by a child welfare agency, at least until one or both parents are released from jail (and perhaps, even when released from jail, these parents may be deemed unfit to raise their child).

Does a child have to choose who they want to live with in front of their parents?

The Court orders the custody arrangement of minor children. If the child reaches at least 14, and a motion is made to bring the case to court, and the judge allows the child to choose, the child does not have to choose in front of the parents. The attorney(s) can ask the court that the parents be asked to step outside while the court and/or attorneys question the child.

Who pays child support and why?

In the US, parents are legally responsible for their children to at least age 18 and sometimes much longer, depending on the laws of the State in which the child resides and whether the child is severely handicapped. Absent parents may be ordered to pay support.

Can you legally live with your friend and their parents without them having custody of you?

Depends on how old you are but either way will you need parental permission. If it's far away from your parents someone should have temporary custody at least so they have the right to make medical decisions on your behalf in case something happens. And your friends parents would need to get child support for you from your parents. That is done in court.

What blood GROUP do parents have to have a child with type o negative blood group?

at least one of them have negative group.

Should parents be held respondsable for destroying school property?

Not in the least. Hold the child responsible and therefore teach the child not to damage other peoples property.

Is there a child-friendly cell phone?

only if your child is at least 11. they should have something relatively cheap (easily replaceable when they break it).

What are the behavioral effects if parents play favoritism in the family?

id presume the child that least liked would feel,unloved,jealousy,anger towards its sibling and parents

Can a parents with O blood and B blood have a child with A?

No - the child must recieve one allele from each parent. This means that because one parent is AB they must donate an A or a B to the child. In order for the child to be O both parents must have at least one O (AO, BO or OO).