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Q: Name something people might be wearing early in the morning?
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You see a new moon if at all in the early morning and at sunset?


Why do people go mushrooming early in the morning?

Because they are best in the early morning cos of the dew. it makes it better to EAT!!

What did Mesopotamians people did in early morning?

It depended on their work.

How does a shadow of something look like when it is early in the morning?

A shadow is going to be longer in the morning and in the afternoon when the sun is shining at the person or item.

What part of speech is early?

its an adjectiveNo, it's a noun (when you can count it: ie. The summer mornings make you feel full of....). It can also be an attribute (hence the confusion with an adj) : ie. The morning paper is ....In the morning we like to.... - this is a different situation, when the entire group functions as an object.

Why birds prefare to pick some food early in the morning?

Is called breakfast. Then something else for lunch. And something else for dinner

Do you have to get up really early in the morning?

It depends on what you have to do in the morning. Some people that go to school or work need to be up early. A lot of people tend to go to the gym or a morning run which would be dependent upon the lifestyle of each person. This answer will vary based on the individual.

How do roosters help us?

They help people wake up early in the Morning

Why do people say early morning walk is always better?

Early morning walk is always better because the air is always fresh in the morning and while walking the fresh air goes inside our body which is good for our lungs

When was Early Morning Dream created?

Early Morning Dream was created in 1972.

When was Early Morning Rain created?

Early Morning Rain was created in 1964.

When was Early Christmas Morning created?

Early Christmas Morning was created in 1998.