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fabric softener

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Q: Name something you add to a washing machine?
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How do you remove body odor form shirts?

Put them in a washing machine, add soap and turn it on.

What do you use downy on?

this is a fabric softener either use it in sheets for the dryer or liquid to add to the washing machine.

When do you load the clothes into washing machine?

Okay people, here is how you load a washing machine, *Turn the washing machine on, *Put the recommended amount of detergent in, *put your clothes in - unfold and turn clothing inside out - do not overfill the machine *close the lid. DONE!!! Another This is my procedure for a top loading machine: Turn on, add appropriate amount of soap powder/detergent, start water until powder dissolves, add laundry then continue water to fill, close lid & start wash/rinse cycle.

How do you remove insulation from clothing?

To remove insulation such as fiberglass from clothing, you must put them through a cycle in the washing machine. Ensure that you are wearing gloves before handling the contaminated clothing and place the items in the washing machine drum. Add laundry detergent to the machine and wash as normal.

Fabric sheet added to the washing machine to soak up colors that run?

Some people do add fabric sheets to washing machines to soak up running colors. This does not always work effectively.

Is there Braille on washing machine instructions so that blind people can read it?

Generally, no. Some manufacturers have begun to add Braille instructions on certain models.

How do you operate washing machine?

Dose correctly. Follow the instructions on your detergent's box or bottle. Load your laundry. Place your dirty laundry into the drum of the washing machine. Add fabric conditioner to the dispenser drawer. Choose the temperature. Select the right spin cycle. Close the door and press go. For any queries about washing machines plz u can reach us @ vcarerepairs

What are some ways to remove stains from a kid's football uniform?

The best way to clean football pants is to wash them in your washing machine. You are going to need to add bleach when washing the football pants.

How can washing shoes ruin them?

I do not believe Washing shoes can effect them but they might add musture to the shoes

Easy Ways to Save Money on Washing Machine Repair?

There are generally two areas of cost when it comes to washing machine repair. The first cost is for labor, and the only way you can minimize the cost of labor is by shopping around. The second cost is for parts, and the cost of parts to the person getting their washing machine repaired is a bit fuzzy. The washing machine repairman may only charge the customer what it costs them to get the parts, or they might add on a certain percentage, usually around 20-30%. It’s hard to minimize the cost of parts since you have no way of knowing how you’ll be charged.To help combat how difficult it is to figure out a washing machine repairman’s costs for parts and labor, you can always ask for an estimate on the work ahead of time. An estimate is just what it sounds like. A repairman or repair company will give you an estimated total for your bill, which is usually guaranteed to a certain percentage. So if your estimate was $100 and it was guaranteed to be within 20%, then the most your bill could be is $120. Getting an estimate can help avoid hidden washing machine repair fees that shady companies can try to hit you with after they’ve done the repair, which saves you money.Another way that an estimate helps you save money is that it gives you a way to compare getting your washing machine repaired to buying a new washing machine altogether. To just go ahead and buy a new washing machine instead, you’d prefer your repair estimate to be close to the cost of buying a new wash machine, or you’d like a situation where you could save money over time on your power bill or water bill with a newer, more efficient model. Getting a new washing machine is a good alternative to looking for washing machine repair if the numbers are right, so all it takes is a simple calculation on your part to decide which is right for you.

Washing machine odor?

Unpleasant odors in a washing machine are a common issue that can be caused by a variety of factors. Addressing these factors can help eliminate the odor. Here are some steps to tackle washing machine odor: Clean the Drum: Wash the drum of your washing machine regularly. Run an empty cycle with hot water and add a cup of white vinegar or a washing machine cleaner specifically designed to remove residue and odors. This helps clean the interior of the machine. Leave the Door Open: After each wash, leave the washing machine door slightly ajar to allow air to circulate inside, preventing the growth of mold and mildew. Clean the Gasket and Seal: Thoroughly clean the rubber gasket around the door. Wipe it down with a mixture of water and vinegar to remove any residue that may be causing odors. Check for Drainage Issues: Make sure the washing machine's drain hose is positioned correctly, allowing proper drainage. A drain hose that is too low can lead to water accumulation, which can create a musty smell. Use High-Efficiency (HE) Detergent: If your washing machine is a high-efficiency model, use HE detergent as it produces fewer suds, reducing the risk of residue buildup. Avoid Overloading: Overloading the washing machine can lead to poor water circulation and inadequate cleaning, which can contribute to odors. Regularly Clean the Dispenser Drawer: If your washing machine has a detergent dispenser drawer, remove it and clean it thoroughly to prevent the buildup of detergent and fabric softener residues. Inspect the Drain Filter: Check the washing machine's drain filter for lint, hair, and other debris. A clogged filter can cause odors. Check for Mold and Mildew: If you suspect mold or mildew in your washing machine, it may be necessary to remove parts (such as the detergent drawer) for thorough cleaning. Scrub visible mold or mildew with a solution of water and vinegar or a mild detergent. Run Regular Hot Water Cycles: Running regular hot water cycles without laundry and using the cleaning methods mentioned above can help prevent odors from recurring. By following these steps and maintaining a regular cleaning routine, you can help keep your washing machine smelling fresh and clean.

Is it OK to switch off your washing machine in the middle of its cycle?

Yes, it's fine. Switching off the washing machine in the middle of its cycle is OK. Restarting the cycle would depend on the function (rinse, wash, spin, etc.) and how early into the cycle you switched it off. If you stop the wash or spin cycle to add more clothes or rearrange because of unbalance of the load, it may be wise to start the cycle again. Check that the machine has drained before opening the door.