

Name stuff that bug bunny does in his cartoons?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Bugs will eat a carrot , say "What's up , Doc?" or use double entendres in his dialogues with other characters .

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Q: Name stuff that bug bunny does in his cartoons?
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Bug's Bunny says "Eeh What's up, Doc?" becuase it was a popular phrase at the time of his creation.

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What variety of carrots does Bugs Bunny eat?

I think its cuz hes so smart it bugs ppl Actually, "Bug" was a saying in the 1980s meaning annoying or crazy. The "Bug'' saying died out mostly but the sayings, "You bug me" are still around.

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Ben Hardaway was resposible for the creation of the first prototype of Bugs Bunny whereas Tex Avery was responsible for the definitive Bug Bunny and the character of Bugs Bunny was later refined by Chuck Jones , Bob Clampett , Friz Freleng and Robert McKimson .

What is the name of the big blue bug?

do you mean the Big Blue Bug in Providence, because if you do, that is the name of it-the big blue bug