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Elephant, tiger, lion, nilgai, crocodile..

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Q: Name the big five animals of India?
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What is Africa's big five?

The big five was originally named as the five most African animals hunted for sport. Now days has more to do with the animals you see on safari being Lion, Buffalo, Elephant, Black Rhino and Leopard.

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The caracal, cheetah, crocodile, elephant, and hippopotumus are five large animals, amongst others.

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Why big five called the big five?

Because they are the biggest/most charismatic species in Africa. And five makes an easy enough list to remember, you can count them off on your fingers. It might just as well have been the big-anything. Strike the Leopard(you've already got the biggest cat) and have the big four. Add the Eland, the biggest antelope and you have the big six.

Name two Animals with big fur?

Dogs and bears.

What is the big 5 in Kenya?

The big five animals of Kenya, I believe are, Lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant and rhinoceros.

What are some animals in Kenya?

The Big Five: - African Elephant - Black rhinoceros - Buffalo - Lion - Leopard

What is the basic information about big five in Africa?

The big five are lions, leopards, black rhino, cape buffalo and African elephant. These were named because of hunters who decided that these were the 5 top trophy animals on African safari. There is more information about African safaris and the big the five, including the small five on Nothing But Adventure.