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Q: Name the energy changes that occur to produce light in?
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What energy changes occur when a photograph is taken?

As per my knowledge, when a photograph is taken there is a complex change of CHEMICAL energy to LIGHT energy ..... (Hope this helps you..)

Changes in genes occur when organisms produce?

changes occure when organisms produce are called fertile offspring.

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Light dependent reactions are reactions the capture light energy and convert it into chemical energy(ATP). It occur in the chloroplast of plant cells Light independent reactions are reactions capture energy and use it to produce food . It does not need sunlight

What Energy changes occur in wind?

Slap change in energy

Does the Calvin cycle occur only in the dark?

It cannot occur in the dark. It contains an enzyme called rubisco which is a light-activated enzyme. Also the Calvin cycle uses the chemical energy produced in the light reactions, and the light reactions need sunlight energy in order to produce the energy needed in the Calvin cycle. Hope that helps :)

Does the Calvin cycle only occur in the dark?

It cannot occur in the dark. It contains an enzyme called rubisco which is a light-activated enzyme. Also the Calvin cycle uses the chemical energy produced in the light reactions, and the light reactions need sunlight energy in order to produce the energy needed in the Calvin cycle. Hope that helps :)

What produces its own light while a planet doen't?

A Star will produce its own light, through the nuclear fusion of hydrogen, which releases vast amounts of energy. Planets are not large enough for the required conditions to occur for this reaction, so they don't produce energy in this way.

What transformations occur in a light bulb?

In a light bulb, electrical energy is transformed into light energy and heat energy.

What energy occurs in the light bulb?

light and heat energy occur in a light bulb when it is turned on.

When the energy conversions that occur when coal is formed and then burned to produce thermal energy?

It turns into energy

What energy changes occur when water freezes?

When water freezes, it will go through an exothermic reaction, which is a chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of light or heat. It is expressed in a chemical equation as: reactants --> products + energy

What energy transformation can occur only in autotrophs?

light energy into chemical energy