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Q: Name the filamentous pigmented and keratinized structure that projects from the epidermal surface?
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What is the function of epidermal cells in sponges?

The epidermal cells of sponges are responsible for cell adhesion and maintenance of their shape and structure. The epidermis is composed of pinacocytes (epidermal cells) which are flattened cells in the sponge's body wall.

Why do the epidermal cells have had there edges folded over?

The epidermal cells have their edges folded over which is part of the structure. This is as a result of the growth factors which makes the cells to proliferate.

What is filamentous cytoskeleton?

Filamentous cytoskeleton is the cellular structure within the cytoplasm in every cell that helps it to keep its structure, protect the cell and allows cellular motion (using appendages like flagella, cilia, etc.). It also plays a role in intracellular transport and cellular division. The cytoskeleton is found in Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells.

What structure observe in onion epidermal cells are not present in human epithelial cells?

The structure of onion epidermal cells refers to the arrangement of tissues in this cells. You can find the structure of onion epidermal cells online at The structures observed in an onion epidermal cell, which are not present in the human epithelial cells are cell wall, central vacuole and vacuolar membrane.

What structure prevents water loss in a plant?

To prevent water loss from free surface of leaves epidermal cells are provided with thick cuticle, radially elongated epidermal cells and presence of waxy deposition. Further water loss is prevented by sunken stomata and epidermal motor cells etc.

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What structure surrounds the stomata?

Epidermal cells surround the stomata.

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Which structure in an onion epidermal cell is semipermeable?

cell wall & cytoplasm

What is the function of epidermal cells in sponges?

The epidermal cells of sponges are responsible for cell adhesion and maintenance of their shape and structure. The epidermis is composed of pinacocytes (epidermal cells) which are flattened cells in the sponge's body wall.

What structure is responsible for the strength of attachment between the epidermis and dermis?

epidermal ridge

Why do the epidermal cells have had there edges folded over?

The epidermal cells have their edges folded over which is part of the structure. This is as a result of the growth factors which makes the cells to proliferate.

What structure of skin helps you grip a wet glass?

Epidermal Ridges

What is filamentous?

Filamentous cytoskeleton is the cellular structure within the cytoplasm in every cell that helps it to keep its structure, protect the cell and allows cellular motion (using appendages like flagella, cilia, etc.). It also plays a role in intracellular transport and cellular division. The cytoskeleton is found in Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells.

What is filamentous cytoskeleton?

Filamentous cytoskeleton is the cellular structure within the cytoplasm in every cell that helps it to keep its structure, protect the cell and allows cellular motion (using appendages like flagella, cilia, etc.). It also plays a role in intracellular transport and cellular division. The cytoskeleton is found in Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells.

What is the definition of a flower filament?

Flower filament better known as pedicel is the filamentous structure connecting the flower to the stem branch or inflorescence.

Long filamentous organelle with a banded appearance?

This description matches a structure called a myofibril, which is found in muscle cells. Myofibrils are made up of repeating units called sarcomeres that give them a banded appearance. They are responsible for muscle contractions by interacting with motor proteins.

What texture of oscillatoria bacteria?

Oscillatoria bacteria have a filamentous, unbranched structure that gives them a slimy texture. They form long strands or mats that can be slimy to the touch.