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Q: What texture of oscillatoria bacteria?
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What are emaples in monera kingdom?

anacbaena,bacteria,and oscillatoria

How does the size of lactobacillus compare with that oscillatoria and gloeocapsa?

Lactobacillus are smaller rod shaped bacteria compared to the cyanobacteria of oscillatoria and gloeocapsa.

Do all the oscillatoria cell looks alike or is there differentiation of certain cells within the filament?

All Oscillatoria cells do not look alike. Oscillatoria uses photosynthesis in order to survive as well as to reproduce. These cells are part of the bacteria kingdom.

Is oscillatoria an example of a multicellular eukaryote?

No. Since it is a bacteria it is a prokaryote but it has cells that act together.

Do all Oscillatoria cells look alike or is there differentiation of certain cells within the filament?

No they do not, obviously and I'm going to tell Phommasasyy on you!

What eats oscillatoria?

nothing eats oscillatoria because it is toxic.

What class does oscillatoria belongs to?

Oscillatoria belongs to the class Cyanophyceae, which is a class of cyanobacteria commonly known as blue-green algae. Cyanophyceae are photosynthetic bacteria that can be found in various aquatic environments like freshwater and marine habitats.

Why is Oscillatoria green?

Oscillatoria gets its naturally green color from Chlorophyll a.

What is the difference between nostoc anabaena and oscillatoria?

difference in oscillatoria and nostoc

What is the function of oscillatoria?

The function of oscillatoria is to produce oxegyn. They form thick mats.

Where is oscillatoria more active?

Oscillatoria is an organism known for its movement. Oscillatoria generally become more active when in sunlight, as well as having perfect conditions in watering troughs, for example.

What is the genus of blue-green algae?

Blue-green algae or Cyanophyceae uses photosynthesis to create food. The genus is called Oscillatoria. They are closely related to bacteria.