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Medditerrarean Sea. (Might not be spelled right Sorry!) :)

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Q: Name the sea that separates Southern Europe and Africa?
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Sea separates Europe and Africa and its name means ''in the middle of the land''?

Mediterranean Sea

What is the name of the narrow channel of water of water that separates Spain (in Europe) from morocco (in Africa)?

The Strait of Gibraltar.

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The area is known as The Cape of Good Hope

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Straight of Gibralter

What is the name of the narrow channel of water that separates Spain from Africa?

The Mediterranean Sea lies between Africa and Europe. At its western end is what is sometimes known as the Alboran Sea. It is between Africa and Spain At its western end, the point where Spain and Africa are closest, is the Straits of Gibraltar. They specifically divide Spain and Morocco.

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The line that separates the northern and southern hemispheres is called the equator.

What is the name of the sea that separates Egypt from Europe?

The Mediterranean.

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The atlantic Ocean separates Africa from north and south America

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Southern Hemisphere

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Africa and Europe are continents that are located in the Northern, Southern, and Eastern hemispheres.

What is the name of the see that separates Egypt from Europe?

It is the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the name of Africa's southern desert?

The Kalahari Desert is Africa's southern desert.