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i think it is vitamin d

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Q: Name the vitamins found in fishes and other aquatic animal?
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How do fish get their food from the ocean?

Big fishes eat the smaller fishes and other organism found in ocean like shrimps ,crustaceans,squids , algae aquatic plants and planktons.

Is protein found in animal vitamins?

No, protein and vitamin are two different things, and one is not going to be found in the other. But yes, they can both be found in an animal.

Can the leafy sea dragon survive in all climates?

No, being an aquatic animal it needs an aquatic environment similar to its natural habitat. The Climate should reflect the climate of the habitat the animal is found in, wild versions are naturally found in.

What nutrients can be found in animal food and in plant food?

Protiens, carbohydrates, vitamins.

Which non-metalic element is found in human vitamins animal feed and is used in electronics?

The non- metallic element found in humans, vitamins, animal feed, and electronics is carbon. Carbon is responsible for all of life on Earth.

Identify four vitamins or minerals found in protein of animal origin?

animals dont have protein

What is the aquatic animal with no tissue differentiation?

This is what is called the waterbear. moss piglet or Tardigrade. We have found fossils from 530 millions years ago.

Where are more aquatic plants found?

More aquatic plants are found at marshy places of subtropical zones.

What resources can be found in Antarctica?

minerals and fishes can be found

What foods can vitamins be found in?

The major source of vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables.

What are three fat-soluble vitamins and three water-soluble vitamins and what foods are they found in?

There are four Fat soluble Vitamins in body. Vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamin A is found in animal liver and colored fruits. Green leafy vegetables contains Pro-vitamin A. That is Beta-carotin, a powerful anti-oxidant. Which is converted into 2 molecules of Vitamin A in body. Vitamin A and D are found only in liver of some fishes like Cod liver oil and very little quantity is present in animal food and it must be fortified in food by government. Almost every body, who wares clothes and do not get morning and afternoon sun bath have 'sub-clinical' Vitamin D deficiency. Except the people having certain fishes in there diet. Vitamin E is present in 8 forms and present in germinating seeds in ample and in various nuts. Vitamin C is water soluble Vitamin. It is present in allCitrusfruits. Folic acid is present in all green leafy vegetables. And Vitamin B 12 orCynocobalamineis present as 'Extrinsicfactor' in animal liver and absorbed only if 'Intrinsicfactor' is present in stomach. It is absent invegetablefood. So 'vegans' can have them in dairy products.

Where is the mouth of an echinoderm found?

Usually in the middle underneath the animal. However the mount can also migrate forward, to the side of the animal in an irregular echinoid.