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Joule Effect.

Jessie Andrews.

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Q: Namet the effect that states that production of an emf in an conductor having two junctions at different temperatures?
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What is the Seebeck effect?

The Seebeck effect is used in thermocouples. If two dissimilar metals conductors are joined and the two joints (junctions) are kept at different temperatures then a voltage is produced. This is dependant on the tyes of metals used and the temperature difference between the junctions. There is a reverse of the Seebeck effect called the Peltier effect where a current through the two different materials results in a temperature difference between the junctions.

How much voltage can be generated between two junctions made of different conductive materials held at different temperatures?

Well it depends on the type of material it is and the temprature it is at.

What is current crowding effect?

a nonhomogenous distribution of current density through a conductor or semiconductor, especially at the vicinity of the contacts and over the PN junctions.

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A super conductor is a material which when cooled to a low enough temperature, will exhibit an electrical resistance of zero. Uses include building very powerful electromagnets and Josephson junctions for scanning microscopes.

What are junctions?

Junctions on roads are intersections.

Which type of junctions prevent water leakage between cells?

Tight Junctions

What is the difference in construction between power diode and simple diode?

Basically the semi-conductor junctions are a larger surface area and heat sinks are part of the design to dissipate heat.

How many junctions are there on the M25?

There are 31 Junctions on the M25

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How are the plasmodesmata of plant cells and commicating junctions of animal cell similar in function?

Cell junctions in plants are called Plasmodesmata while communicating junctions in animal cells are gap junctions

What are the four types of cellular junctions?

plasmodesmata tight junctions desmosomes gap junctions the plasmodesmata is the only cell junction in the plant cells.. and the other three cell junctions are in the animal cells...

Plasmodesmata of plant cells are functionally equivalent to what of animal cells?

If the answer choices are a. Extracellular Martix b. Desmosomes c. Gap Junctions d. Tight Junctions e. Peroxisomes Then the answer is definitely C, Gap Junctions