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Q: Napoleon Bonaparte decided to sell Louisiana to the US following the costly slave rebellion in?
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One of the key factors in helping Napoleon Bonaparte reach his decision to sell Louisiana was?

The slave rebellion in Haiti.

Who sold Louisiana to America?

The Louisiana Territory was purchases from Napoleon Bonaparte of France.

Who was the queen of France during the Louisiana purchase?

Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine.

Who funded the Louisiana Purchase?

Napoleon Bonaparte

What was the famous thing Napoleon Bonaparte sold?


What did Napoleon Bonaparte have to do with Louisiana?

He sold the Louisiana Territory to the US for $15 million.

Who did Jefferson purchase the Louisiana Territory from?

France, Napoleon Bonaparte

What was the name of the Napoleon who sold The Louisiana Purchase to the US?

Napoleon Bonaparte (France) sold the United States the Louisiana Purchase for $15,000,000.

Did Napoleon Bonaparte buy the Louisiana Purchase?

No, he was the seller, and the US was the buyer.

What did Toussaint L'Ouverture do to help the Louisiana purchase?

He defeated Napoleon Bonaparte

Who was the french leader who sold louisiana to US?

Napoleon Bonaparte, in 1803.

Who sold Louisiana territory to Jefferson?

According to most textbooks, Napoleon Boaparte offered the Louisiana Territory. As quick as a flash, Thomas Jefferson told Bonaparte that he will buy it.