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Allan Mabel

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4y ago
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1mo ago

Narratives are often organized by the structure of the story, including elements such as beginning, middle, and end, as well as plot points, character development, and setting. By following a chronological or non-linear sequence, narratives can effectively convey a message or evoke emotions from the audience. The organization of a narrative can greatly impact how the story is perceived and understood.

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How are most narratives organized?

a) spatially b) chronologically c) from general to particular d) from particular to general

How are narratives organized?

Narratives are generally organized around a structure that includes an introduction (exposition), rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution (denouement). This structure creates a coherent storyline that guides the reader or viewer through the progression of events in the narrative. Additionally, narratives may also employ techniques like flashbacks, foreshadowing, or non-linear storytelling to enhance the organization and impact of the story.

What are dilemma narratives?

Dilemma narratives are stories or situations in which characters are faced with difficult choices or decisions that have significant consequences. These narratives often explore themes of morality, ethics, and the complexity of human decision-making. Readers are often encouraged to consider the dilemmas presented and ponder possible resolutions.

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Do narratives have paragraphs?

Yes, narratives often have paragraphs to organize ideas and provide structure to the story. Each paragraph typically focuses on a specific aspect of the narrative, such as describing events, setting, or character development.

What are the types of narratives in stories?

This question is too vague. We could talk about first-person narratives, third-person narratives and third-person omniscient narratives. We could talk about narratives written in the past tense and those written in the present tense and those which cannot make up their minds. We could talk about quest-type narratives, or mystery-type narratives, or romance-type narratives, or conflict-type narratives. We could distinguish between mundane narratives, epic narratives, and mythic narratives. There are lots of possibilities here.

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it keeps it neat and organized

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In multicellular organisms, cells are often organized into tissues, organs, and organ systems.

What is meaning of secondary narratives?

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What is the meaning of afro -asian narratives?

Afro-Asian narratives refer to stories that explore the connections and interactions between African and Asian cultures, histories, and identities. These narratives often highlight themes of solidarity, shared experiences of oppression or colonization, and the formation of unique cultural identities through cross-cultural exchanges.

Are there conclusions in narratives?

yes, there are conclusions in narratives...

Who writes narratives?

Writers write narratives.