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Q: National authority has greatly expanded in the twentieth century primarily because?
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The amount of the national debt in expanded notationis? something to figure out yourself

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Which president expanded the number of acres of the National Parks System?

Jimmy Carter

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Jimmy Carter

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You get a ticket to sinnoh and and pokedex entries are expanded

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Roche Bros is primarily located in which area?

Roche Bros stores are primarily located in the Boston, Massachusetts area. Roche Bros first opened in 1950 as a meat shop and expanded later to include groceries.

Is Obama trying to outlaw guns in the US?

No, he has expanded gun use by allowing them in national parks.

What is the difference in how accounting and bookkeeping are viewed?

Thus, in contrast to bookkeeping, which often had been considered a trade, the responsibilities of accounting had expanded by the early twentieth century to such an extent that it now sought professional status.

How has the national government expanded its definition of domestic violence in recent years?

Domestic violence recently has expanded to include pet abuse. Leaving a pet behind and at risk can also be traumatic.

What is expanded commercial banks or universal banks?

An expanded commercial bank is a type of financial institution that goes beyond the traditional functions of a regular commercial bank. While commercial banks primarily handle transactions such as deposits, checking account services, and loans for individuals and businesses, expanded commercial banks have additional capabilities. These extended functions allow them to offer a broader range of services to their customers.

What was the purpose of laws passed shortly after spetember 11 attacks?

The purpose of the laws passed shortly after the September 11 attacks, such as the USA PATRIOT Act, was primarily to enhance national security and counterterrorism efforts. These laws expanded the government's surveillance powers, facilitated information sharing between intelligence agencies, and provided law enforcement with broader authority to investigate and prevent potential threats. Some argue that these laws also introduced concerns regarding civil liberties and privacy.