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Lakes, ponds, rivers, streams.

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Q: Natural bodies of water in the community?
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Related questions

Who makes bodies of water?

No one. Bodies of water are natural phenomena. There are rare occasions where there are man made bodies are created when dams are built for instance bur these are rare.

How do land forms and bodies of water affect peoples way of life?

Land forms and bodies of water profoundly affect the development of human societies by determine food and water source, opportunities for construction, weather, and natural threats. They also determine how close other societies are and how easily a community can travel to and trade with other societies.

Two natural divisions between ecosystems?

Mountains and bodies of water.

Why are bodies of water often used as international borders?

They form a natural barrier...

What kinds of natural resources do bodies of water provides?

shellfish, fish and seaweeds

What is Qatar's largest body of water?

Qatar is within the Persian Gulf. It has no natural bodies of fresh water.

What do you call a narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water?

A man made narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies is a canal. A natural feature that connects two bodies of water is called a strait.

What is the capybaras natural habitat?

A capybaras natural habitat is southern Central America or South America near bodies of water.

What is the natural habitat of the Siberian Crane?

the natural habitat of syberian crane is sea lakes jeels &other water bodies

Natural transportation arteries is a fancy name for what?

My guess is rivers and other bodies of water.

Is people allergikt to water?

No. Water is a natural substance in our bodies necessary for life. But people can be allergic to substances including contaminants in the water.

Natural capital consists of?

In the accounting world, natural capital is the land or bodies of water that are on your land. These things would be considered an asset in your books.