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Q: Natural convection and turbulence are most likely to occur when?
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When is a natural disaster likely to occur?

A natural disaster is always likely to occur. When I walk it happens. When I talk it happens. When I dance it happens. Here's what you need to know. I am hades.

Where is this natural wildfire most likely to occur?

It would happen in a forest,most likely

Where is the natural disaster most likely to occur?

in the ring of fire

Where is the volcanoes natural disaster most likely to occur?

it dependes

Where is earthquakes natural disaster most likely to occur?

On plate boundaries .

A circular flow of warmer fluid and cooler fluid is called a?

A convection current, however, this can also occur with gases.

Where does convection occur?

Convection occurs when and where a fluid is in a gravity field and heat is applied to its base.

Where does convection occur on the sun?

The core

What are convection currents and in which layer do they occur?


What type of natural disaster is most likely to occur in late spring and in fall?

a hurricane

Where is this natural disaster most likely to occur drought?

in the east coats and dry land